Tuesday 11 December 2012

What do sharks, the sea, salty tea and santas sleigh have in common?

Today was a lovely day to put down the iPad and head out on the water. I went to help with the shark research at The Cape Eleuthera Institute. This work is for a masters project and involves baiting for sharks at certain locations and seeing what we get. The sharks that are caught are on a research longline that is adapted to allow the shark to swim in a circle so it can still breathe. Once secured alongside the boat, measurements are taken, it is tagged and a small DNA sample is taken. Then, the hook is removed and they are released and swim off on their way. Today we got five different species of shark including a small tiger, a nice sized reef and some black tips.

While on the boat I had my tea flask and enjoyed a mug of salted caramel while on the sea. On passing it round there was a mixed verdict, but overall not bad for tea on the boat.


The new tea behind the door of dreams today is called sleigh ride. It is a herbal concoction full of apple, hibiscus, beetroot!, and popped rice (I think that's to represent the snow), it was all very bizarre and I didn't know weather to drink it or get the teaspoon and eat it. For an evening cup, it was quite nice and in a way like having a sweet apple dessert in a tea mug. It certainly wouldn't wake you up in the morning, but its not as bad as the 'fit' lips tea from Sunday!



  1. I never knew there were so many types of tea! Where do you find them?

  2. Davids tea in Canada and hey also ship to the US now too. I love good old English tea, but these weird and wonderful mixes are really interesting and great for a change!
