Sunday, 23 June 2013

Mango! the fruit, the lionfish, and the cat

Well, certainly not keeping as regular a lionfish night recently, but impromptu lionfish night arrived in style again. This time the restaurant popped back up for a night in deep creek, and now it is mango season so..... It was time for Mango salsa lionfish. Yum!

Last year we got mango the cat, aptly named as our house was full of mangos at the time, so its only right that mango the cat supervised all proceedings including being the taste tester while Jason filleted the fish.
Lots of lime, salt and pepper and the lionfish is grilled to perfection! Then add a yummy mango salsa to put on top that's it, a delicacy that's for sure.
I forgot to take any pictures of the mango salsa on top of the fish as I was too busy eating it and forgot, but it looked amazing!
Add in lots of beautifully arranged Mahi, chips and dips, potatoes, veggie dishes, and cookies for after and out pop up restaurant was complete!
Lots of new people came as we had lots of interns leave, and new ones arrive.
We even ran out of chairs....
And some expressed their love of the UK....while Mango supervised
Great stuff! Lots of mangoes, LOL ( see last blog for what that means!), and lots of yummy food,
Until next time.....



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